Esercizio N: 1060 - football
Body fake and go door
SHORT DESCRIPTION: the striker part and make a body of feint going direct to the door
START: as described by drill
TEAMS: 2 teams 3 players per team
FIELD: is that outlined by the arrangement of the material
PURPOSE: perform to the best of the fundamental interested and go in goal game
DESCRIPTION: Team A against Team B, with three players per team. Two per team are in port, while on the field play one on one. A1 part in dribbling towards the opponent, pretending to overtake on the left but in reality snaps past him on the right (and vice versa). After frequent repetitions of this maneuver, AIMS TO NETWORK. Immediately after passing in defense and attack up to B A
TIPS: This scheme is dedicated to the execution of the fake "simple" and "double pretend" If you want to overcome your opponent right, pretend to break through on the left. Upload your body weight on the left leg and turns his back in the direction of the fake, then "explode" and, coming in on the right. Double pretend: If you want to overcome your opponent on the left, pretend to go left, then pretend to right and eventually moves to the left taking the unbalanced opponent. Then try the same fake to the right
MATERIAL: A balloon for 6 players, 4 corner flags, cones or other delimiting elements. Shirts or red and blue bibs
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