Esercizio N: 2001 - volleyball
Lift, Defense and Attack with six players on the wall

SHORT DESCRIPTION: Six players in a field, positioned in their respective roles to the wall. The game is played normally, with raisings, attacks and defenses, but given that instead of the network there is the wall, the ball will bounce inevitably in the field and the defense will have to move quickly in the respective positions.
START: as described by drill in front of a wall
TEAMS: 1 team 6 players
FIELD: about m. 9x9 even without demarcation of lines
PURPOSE: recover the ball after it bounced off the wall and rebuild the game
DESCRIPTION: six players are positioned on the field, in their respective roles to the wall. The game is played as if instead of the wall there was a network, so the defense will move normally to cover our attack and the bounce of the ball on the wall. Of course, according to the player who attacks, the defense will have to move quickly in the respective positions for the coverage of our attack and the bounce of the ball on the wall
TIPS: try it with a teacher in front of you with a teacher behind in penetration
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