Esercizio N: 0024 - basic physical and motor activity
balls steals
START: as described by drill a team in the field and behind a line off the field
TEAMS: 2 teams minimum 4 players per team
FIELD: about m. 20x20 divided into 3 zones
PURPOSE: stealing many balls in some time
DESCRIPTION: The white team is in the Y area of the field, the team of blacks is in the Z area of the field. Across the field, in the X area there are several balloons. At the animator's signal, the team members of blacks through the Y area have to go across the field, taking no more than a ball head and bring in your area. The team members must prevent the whites to blacks to steal balls, holding them, or hindering them until the time is up. If a player manages to steal a ball can start to steal another. The team that manages to steal more balls
VARIANTS: Vary the number of team members: 10 members ie those who steal, who holds 5 and vice versa
TIPS: make sure that the game does not become violent
MATERIAL: about 7-8 balls
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