Esercizio N: 2028 - volleyball
Coverage of a network attack against the wall with two on a table.
SHORT DESCRIPTION: A row of strikers on the wing, a center, and a free one or two setters that alternate, plus two players to the wall on a table. The forward wing from the ball to the setter, which in turn raises the wing that attacks against the wall and everyone must cover.
START: as described by drill
TEAMS: no team
FIELD: It is used for volleyball m. 18x9 midfield
PURPOSE: perform to the best of the fundamental affected game
DESCRIPTION: A row of strikers on the wing (S), a central player (C) ready to attack and a setter (P) or two setters that are alternated, a free (L) in position 5, plus two players (a central and a opposite) wall on a table. The forward wing from the ball to the shortstop who in turn raises and attacks against the wall. In coverage go immediately: the same attacker (self-coverage), the central, the setter and the free. In each round they are involved: the attacker, the Central, the free and the setter.
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